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The 10% Rule for Running Doesn’t Prevent Injuries

Have you heard of the “10 percent rule” when it comes to running? It’s unclear as to who came up with it and when, but it is a way to help reduce the risk of injury for runners.

The way it works is that you should increase your mileage to no more than 10% each week. There is no specific starting point so that is up to you. But let’s say you are running 20 minutes a day. After one week you should increase that time by 10%.

This is a way for runners to safely increase the distance they run, reducing the chance of suffering an injury. Although, not every runner has found this to be true, since some have still experienced injuries even after implementing the 10% rule.

According to one expert, 40% of runners experience an injury with most of them occurring to the feet, ankles, legs or knees. It also forces many runners to stop. Which is really a shame since this is a great way to keep fit.

Well according to the New York Times, the 10% rule was investigated and it was found that whether or not it was followed, the injury rate remained the same, with it happening to about 1 in 5 runners.

So then the researchers (who were from the Netherlands) tried implementing a conditioning program before starting the 10% rule. However, the same amount of injuries happened. Clearly the 10% rule has no real benefit.

Injuries to runners remain a huge problem. And part of it may be that people take up running thinking of it as only an additional way to exercise. But running is not something you should casually jump into. It is considered by many to actually be a sport and as with any sport; you have to know what you are doing.

If you are a runner, how do you prepare and what tips do you have for other runners?

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Photo by cory finlayson in Stockvault

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.