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How to Create Your Family Cookbook

So, you liked yesterday’s post about creating a family cookbook but you are not sure where to begin? Creating a family cookbook is doable, although it may seem like a monumental task. I’ve broken it down into smaller, more manageable pieces to help you get started.

First, of course, you will have to collect the recipes. You can ask relatives to send them to you by email or, if some of them do not have email then they could mail them to you. To make things as easy on yourself as possible, you can send out an email and/or letter asking for recipe, photo, and story submissions. In the email, include a fill-in-the-blank template for the recipes. That way, the information that you get back will be uniformly organized and will need less editing than if you just ask for submissions without sending out a template.

A recipe template can be relatively simple. Items that a template usually includes are the title of the recipe, the person that created it, the person that submitted it, ingredients and quantities in the order in which they are used, preparation and cooking times, directions, and how many people the recipe serves. Since it is a family cookbook, why not include a section at the bottom of the page where people submitting recipes can write about memories associated with the recipe or attach a picture of the dish or the person who created it.

Once the submissions come back from your relatives, don’t forget to send out a quick email thanking everyone for their submissions. Let them know that you’ll be in touch when the cookbook is completed. Now it is time to organize your recipes into cookbook form.

Family cookbooks can be organized in a number of ways, such as by category or by family member. There are even software programs and online programs where all of the layout and formatting is done for you, you simply choose from a template and cut and paste your information into it. Add pictures and stories where you think they fit best. Once your cookbook looks the way you want it to, print it out or have it published through an online program. Congratulations – you have just created a family cookbook that you and your family will enjoy for years to come.

Photo by ronnieb on morguefile.com.