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Fifteen Weeks

Fifteen weeks is kind of a mile stone for me. During my first pregnancy morning sickness came to an abrupt end at fifteen weeks. My nausea disappeared and my energy soared. I felt great and my pre-pregnancy clothes still fit with ease.

With this second pregnancy fifteen weeks also carries with it some significant changes. While my http://pregnancy.families.com/blog/morning-sickness-the-second-time-around didn’t not abruptly stopped, it was slowly lessened and has nearly disappeared. My energy seems to be close to normal so much so that I finally had the motivation to clean the entire house, which is something I hadn’t done in weeks!

Although I wasn’t as aware of my uterus during my first pregnancy, at fifteen weeks in this second pregnancy I am unbelievably aware of my uterus and can feel it expanding. Additionally, I can feel that my pelvis is already shifting and the ligaments are also loosening.

I can’t be one hundred percent sure, but I am pretty sure I’ve felt the baby move on several occasions, which is two weeks earlier than with my first pregnancy.

While I am not exactly showing yet, my clothes are getting a little tighter than normal. As much as I try, I cannot suck my stomach in to appear flat anymore, my shifting organs have made that impossible. Perhaps with additional pregnancies things do change sooner, which perhaps means that I will truly look pregnant sooner too. We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks!

At fifteen weeks I am in that somewhat awkward stage of not really looking pregnant but looking like I have a beer belly. This the point that I think most moms start wishing they would actually start looking pregnant!

At fifteen weeks, I am in a good place. I am exercising five times a week, eating plenty of protein, and drinking lots and lots of water.