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Mommy I Need You

Last night my three year old had his first full blown night terror. I’m not sure if it was more traumatic for him or me. My heart about leapt out of my chest as I woke to my baby’s terrified screams. I rushed to him as he reached out his arms to me and cried, “Mommy I need you. Save me.” He spent the rest of the night wrapped in my arms, protected from whatever his three year old fears may be.

As a parent we want nothing more than to protect our sweet little children from the evils of this world, to shield them from the pain. It breaks our heart to watch them hurt. It is impossible to rescue them from everything. They have to go through these experiences to grow, just as we did when we were children, but we can be there for them when they cry out, “Mommy I need you,” as they are bound to from time to time. They will always have us to lean on and while we can’t always “save them,” we can help guide them and offer them the support they need to get through the trials they are bound to face in their little lives. We can always be waiting with open arms.

These sweet little spirits are depending on us to be there for them in their time of need. We are their parents and we have a great responsibility. It is up to us to teach them and to show them the ways of the world. It is important for them to have the comfort of knowing that no matter what Mommy is always going to be there with open arms and an unconditional love they may never fully be able to comprehend. They always have a safe place to turn and when the cry comes, “Mommy, I need you. Save me,” we’ll be right there waiting for them.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.