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Tweet Tweet Is Your Business on Twitter?

Home-based professionals are often looking for cost-effective ways to get the word out about their business. Recently, social media like Twitter have become very popular with businesses large and small. Social media gives you the ability to share information with your clients and potential clients quickly and easily, and it puts the information right where they are looking – at their computer or smartphone.

Just like with any form of advertising, your message will only be effective if you know how to use that media properly. For example, visiting blogs and leaving spammy comments with a link to your site is not likely to get you any business – but it will certainly get you plenty of enemies quickly. There are definitely right ways and wrong ways to promote your business on Twitter. Here are some tips to get you started.

It is entirely possible to win someone’s attention in 140 characters or less. It is also possible to turn them off to you in the same 140 characters or less. Twitter can be a great tool for business if you use it properly. Part of using Twitter for business includes creating a Twitter profile that accurately captures who you are, what you do, and what you are likely to be tweeting about. Do not be afraid to be personal with your tweets sometimes. Tweeting about issues that are close to your heart or things in your life that mean a lot to you let your followers learn more about you. Your Twitter followers will like seeing a glimpse of your everyday life and this helps to build trust, to help them feel like you are someone that they would like to do business with.

Also, there is a sort of give and take that happens on Twitter. If people are sharing information that you put out there, tweet back a “Thanks” or, even better, find something of theirs that interests you and tweet it out along with a note about why you like it. Sincerity and unselfishness can go a long way towards making a good impression on those that read your tweets. One final piece of advice – be careful about direct messaging. Only send a direct message if it really only does apply to that one person. Using it to send promotional messages is the equivalent of email spam and people do not appreciate it.

There is no doubt that you can make an impact in 140 characters or less. Exactly what that impact is is entirely up to you. P.S. I’m not on Twitter but I do appreciate those people who have been tweeting these blog posts. Thank you so much.

Photo by ozgary on morguefile.com.