You’ve probably heard about homeschool seminars, possibly even some taking place in your area. Are they really worthwhile? Can they really help you?
A homeschool seminar can be valuable to you in the following ways:
You can connect with other homeschoolers in your area and feel the support that comes from being one of many in a crowd, instead of one weird person on your street.
You can take classes to get new ideas in areas where you might be feeling in a rut.
You can strengthen your skills in areas where you might not feel the most creative or qualified.
You can chat with vendors who have brought in products designed to make your life a little bit easier.
You can hear positive, uplifting stories about how homeschool is changing the lives of children and parents everywhere.
You can talk to the experts and ask them for advice about your specific areas of concern.
Homeschool seminars are tools you can use as you build your homeschool career in the shape you want it to be. But just like any tool, there are times when you need it, and times when you don’t. Many families have found seminars to be the perfect answer for them, but other families find that they get along just fine without attending. How do you decide which type you are?
Think about the needs you’ve discovered in your school, and then Google it on the Internet. Chances are, you’ll find the answers you need right there. As you do that search, you’ll also see who in your area teaches that topic. Perhaps you can talk to them through e-mail, or in person. And perhaps they’ll be offering a class on that topic at a conference. The Internet is the most amazing resource I can think of in helping homeschoolers with their concerns.
If you decide seminars aren’t for you, if you dislike the hotel or convention center atmosphere or aren’t keen on crowds, that’s perfectly all right. If you decide you can’t live without them, that’s perfectly all right too. Just as our kids have different learning styles, so do we as their parents, and we know what works for us.
If you are interested in attending a seminar, just Google “homeschool seminars” and up will come quite an impressive list.
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