A little bit of care will help keep all of your glassware looking like new, whether you have crystal stemware or everyday drinking glasses. A little TLC will go a long way to keep your glasses scratch free.
Should You Put Glassware in the Dishwasher?
Hand washing glassware is always best, but yes, you can glasses in the dishwasher. If you want to keep them at their best, you should use the delicate wash cycle, space the glasses out so they don’t accidentally clink together, and skip the high heat drying cycle. Instead, air dry the glasses.
Hand Washing Glassware
If you really want to take good care of your glassware, you’ll hand wash it, or at least hand wash the best pieces to extend their life. There are some tips to washing glassware by hand that you should follow if you want to avoid chips and spots.
First, lay a soft towel down in the sink. This will help prevent breakage, should a soapy glass fall from your hands. Washing only one glass at a time can also help.
Next, fill the sink with hot water. You’ll want to do only a light wash to each glass, concentrating on using only a small amount of detergent (which will also help keep the soap from adding a soapy flavor to your next beverage). Use the detergent only where it is needed, generally around the rim and in the bottom of the glass.
Make sure to protect the stem of wine glasses by cradling the bowl of the glass in one hand, while washing the glass with the other hand.
After washing, rinse the glass thoroughly with hot water, not cold, and either dry the glass with a microfiber cloth or allow it to air dry. Air drying may create some spots, which you can remove by rubbing gently with a soft cloth.