The day after our face to face with CPS and the biological mother to our kids I was feeling a little more hopeful that case worker would finally be thinking that reunification is out of the question. Why would they consider reunification to a mother who just married a guy out of the blue that is obviously abusing her? They wouldn’t right?
So why is it that the case worker called and said they were adding the new husband to the reunification parenting plan? They were going to offer him counseling and parenting classes that were going to be mandatory for him to comply. He was also going to have a complete background check done and would not be able to participate in the visitation with Rebecca until they felt comfortable that he would be safe with her.
I made sure I noted in my “fight book”he bruises, mannerisms of both the tummy mommy and her new husband. I also noted everything that was said about wondering how the boy’s rights had been terminated. I am hoping I do not end up having to fight for Rebecca but I will if I have to. I will do what I have to in order to keep the kids together and most important not to have Rebecca living in a bad situation. I was truly worried about her well-being plus I really have grown attached to her. The boys have lost so much already did they really need to lose their sister too?
I have heard horror stories about children being reunited with biological parents that had hurt them. I heard one about a father that broke his children’s arms and when he finished his counseling and anger management classes he regained custody of his children!
I know Rebecca’s tummy mother never had physically hurt her. She never had a chance the baby was placed right into foster care from the hospital after birth but she did not seek prenatal care and only went to the hospital 5 days after the baby stopped moving in her tummy so I do think there was neglect there. She also did not have a car seat, baby crib or anything else for a newborn. I was more ready for a new born and I had a day notice before she was placed with us.