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Baking Soda: Another Versatile Product for Your Home

There are many things that a simple box of baking soda can do. The great thing is that baking soda is an inexpensive product that can do many different tasks around the house. Instead of buying a lot of different expensive products, try some of these tips for using baking soda in a multitude of ways:

Use it as a deodorizer. We all know that baking soda is a great way to keep your refrigerator and freezer smelling fresh. But think about other places that you can use baking soda to eliminate unpleasant smells. Some of great places are: wastebaskets, sink and tub drains, even under your arms! Or, sprinkle baking powder in your shoes instead of shoe powder–a much cheaper alternative.

Use it to freshen up. Make a paste out of baking soda by mixing some soda and a little water in your hands. Use as a gentle facial scrub. Or, add one half cup baking soda to your bath water for a refreshing soak. The soda cleans the skin of toxins and leaves it smooth. On a smaller scale, a few teaspoons of baking soda can be added to hot water for soaking your feet.

Use it for cleaning. There are so many ways to use baking soda to clean around your home! For instance, try making it into a paste and use it for scouring stainless steel, copper, or iron pots and pans. Also, clean and remove spots from walls by sprinkling baking soda on a wet cloth. After washing, wipe clean with a wet cloth.

Use for medical needs. Make a baking soda paste to relieve skin from itching from insect bites, poison ivy, or chicken pox. Apply to infected area and let dry. Or, use it in place of baby powder for little bottoms.

There are probably hundreds of other uses for this great household tool. I would love to hear what any of your favorite uses for baking soda are….Please share!