When you are preparing for an emergency you should take into consideration the tools that you and your family may need. Tools will allow you to cope with different situations. They can allow you to make repairs or build things that your family may need at time that you may not be able to get them.
Basic tools that you will want to have at home include a chainsaw, a screwdriver, a shovel, a hammer, and a set of wrenches. You will also want to plan on tools that you can use when the power goes out. For example if you normally use an electric can opener you will want to have a manual one to use as well.
You may want to include additional tools in your 72-hour emergency kit. When you purchase these tools you will want to make sure that they are lightweight and collapsible so that they are easy to store and move. These tools include a collapsible shovel, a hatchet, rope, pliers, can opener, knife, screwdriver (we have one that fits both types of screws and both small and large screws), and a hammer.
If you have made the steps necessary to prepare for a hurricane or another emergency you will want to make sure you have the tools on hand to quickly put up the protection for your doors and windows. You may also want to make sure that you have the necessary supplies for cleaning up after a hurricane. A wet dry vacuum might be a good investment if you are in an area prone to flooding.
Other important tools include ways to cool and heat your home without power. A battery-operated radio is another good tool to have on hand during an emergency because it is a good way to stay abreast of the situation around you. The radio stations will broadcast information about where to go to receive help.