Are you beginning to prepare for the emergencies that may affect your family? Are you beginning to gather the items that you may need in case of an emergency? Are you confident that your family will be able to be cared for no matter what situation arises?
To be honest I would have to answer no to at least two of the questions. I have started to prepare, and I have been prepared in the past, but I did not keep on top of the rotation part of my kits, and so I am starting over again. I know that my family is not ready for every situation that may arise, but we have plans for several. I have made sure that we have insurance and a place to go if we need to evacuate. I know the contact numbers we have chosen, but I do need to update our emergency kits.
Today they announced that the first tropical storm of the season is about to hit Florida. It looks like it will be another active year for those who live in the Southeast. It has been an active tornado season for those who live in Tornado Alley. There is no better time to start preparing then now. If you haven’t begun do not beat yourself up, but begin to gather the items today.
You do not need to go out and purchase everything all at once. You can make a list of items that you will need. Then look around your home and see what you already have that can go into your emergency kit. You can then begin to purchase the other items you need to one or two at a time. Even if you don’t have an entire kit together, you will be better off than if you have no kit at all. The first thing you should do is store water for your family.
If you do it one step at a time you will eventually be able to say that you and your family are prepared for any emergencies. You may not live in one of the “high risk” areas, but that does not mean that an emergency will not happen to you. You should still prepare.