We just got the kids progress reports and all of their grades have dropped since my husband was in the hospital. When you look at the lower grades they all correspond to a date that he was hospitalized. The kids are definitely attached to him and I am positive they do not care if they are his biological kids or his adopted kids the only thing they care about is that their DAD is home.
Right now while I am sitting here writing all 3 kids and my husband are sitting on the couches eating popcorn, watching movies and cuddling up. The kids were definitely going through Daddy withdrawal! While my husband was in the hospital there were 2 nurses that when they asked about our family and then when my husband asked them about their families and if they have kids he finds out that they are not able to have kids or that they are considering adoption.
This makes my husband so happy to hear, it gave him something to talk to them about while he was in the hospital. He told them the stories about how the adoption process went all the training and paperwork. Then he gets to the good part when he mentions that phone call he received telling him that we were going to be parents. He then continues to tell them how fast it went from that phone call on, how we went from 0 kids to 3 in 5 months. He tells them how incredible our kids are and how wonderful they are.
He answers all their questions about cost, which agency we used, how long it took etc. People always seem to want to know if we had a hard time bonding with the kids or them with us. This is a question we are asked all the time. When they hear our oldest was 3 when he came home to us they ask mainly about if he had a hard time adjusting. When they see us all together they know the answer to that.
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Should you consider adoption
Part 1