Halloween is a time for trick or treating and dressing up like your favorite character. It is also the time the kids fill their bags up with candy and expect to stay up all night eating it. Candy is filled with sugar and fat the last two things anyone needs. Growing children especially do not need to fill themselves with extra calories and sugar. So what do you do with all that Halloween candy? Here are tips to limit the consumption of Halloween candy this year.
Disperse it slowly:
No one needs to scarf down a pound of candy just because it came in a trick or treat bag. Fill up a jar or container of all the candy and allow your child to eat a few pieces here and there. You can divide up some of it into a jar for good behavior. Give your child a few pieces in his lunch every day for school.
Throw it away, Give it away, Just get it away:
After awhile that Halloween candy will just be taking up space if you disperse it slowly enough. Just throw out the rest if it is old or give it away. You can give it to a teacher or Sunday school teacher to give out as little prizes. You can give to a teacher to fill a jar and have a candy count guessing game.
Room Fairy:
Use it for the Room Fairy. The Room Fairy comes in our child’s room and if clean will leave a piece of candy and if not clean will leave wrappers all over the bed for the child to clean up. The candy you unwrap can be tossed or you can take a little nibble.
Candy Trader:
After allowing your child to indulge in the festivities tell them the story of the candy trader. The candy trader is a fairy that takes candy and replaces it with a gift, prize or money. That night remove a large portion of the candy and replace it with a gift, gift certificate, or money.