Do you and your spouse work at the same place? This can be a lot of fun, or it can cause complications at work and at home. Let’s take a look at both sides of the equation.
On the plus side, working at the same location gives the husband and wife the chance to spend more time together during the day. Even if they don’t work in the same department, chances are their paths will cross frequently throughout their shift, and they can eat lunch together and take breaks together. Working in the same facility also gives them something in common—when they come home and compare notes on their day, they will instantly understand what the other person is sharing with them (and they can complain about the same boss, too). They can carpool and save money on gas and vehicle expenses.
On the negative side, the husband and wife may work in competitive roles, and that gets awkward. If the two of them come up for the same position, and one gets it and the other doesn’t, that can cause friction in the relationship. If one spouse is the other’s manager, there can be issues in that regard as well. In fact, some companies have hiring policies in place to keep this friction from happening—they will either not hire spouses, or they will put them in different departments. Additionally, some spouses feel they are spending too much time together and feel smothered.
How can we enjoy the positives of this situation and avoid the pitfalls?
First, be clear about what each of you want out of the job. Maybe he wants to climb the corporate ladder and she enjoys her current position—this will help keep the competition at bay. If you both want to excel in the company, sitting down and determining which path is best for each spouse is going to be crucial.
Second, always remember that your relationship comes first. There will be moments when you come head-to-head on a project or task force, and you may have to take a position oppose that of your spouse. Feelings may be hurt. Do what you can to protect the relationship. Jobs come and go, but you want your relationship to be permanent.
Third, if one of you is in a position of authority over the other, establish clear lines of communication. Discuss how the manager gives directions vs. how the worker receives them. Make sure each person understands their role in the work relationship, and communicate clearly. The manager shouldn’t treat their spouse any differently than another worker, and the worker should show the manager the same respect they would any other boss. Absolute care should be taken never to show favoritism, but at the same time, the manager shouldn’t overlook the worker for promotion, etc, because they fear being accused of favoritism. And once the pair leaves work, they should resume the roles of husband and wife and leave the manager/worker roles behind.
Working together can be a lot of fun, if you avoid the pitfalls. Clear communication may be the answer to keep the fun going both at home and work.
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