Visiting a friend is fun. Kids love going to new places and playing with new toys. It is especially fun to be with friends to play and have a great time. It is nice to see our children having fun and making friends. Once we make friends we want to keep friends so it is important to remember proper manners. It is also important to remember the proper way to be a guest so we are invited back to play.
Simple Rules to be a Guest
Always say please and thank you while visiting someone’s home.
Always ask to play with a toy before taking it.
Follow the rules of your friend’s home.
Never run and jump inside a friend’s home or jump on their furniture.
Always use your “inside” voice.
Never bring food and drinks into any room unless given permission.
Never open doors: cabinets, refrigerator, drawers, or closed doors.
Always be honest. If you accidentally spill or break something tell the adult immediately and help clean it up. Say you are sorry.
Ask where the bathroom is before you need to really go and cannot hold it.
Always thank your friend and his parents for allowing you to visit.
A lot of rules but over time it will all become natural. Teach your child respect and obedience and all these things will soon fall into place. To further teach children about being a guest demonstrate the concept with puppets, stuffed animals or dolls. A child will earn quicker if she sees and acts it out. You can also demonstrate being a guest by being one in your child’s room. Pretend you are visiting and your child’s room is her home. You can demonstrate the wrong way and have your child point out the flaws. You will find that your child understands a common sense of respect. Yet, with children being egocentric they do not always apply what they know to others. It is our job to connect those dots and guide them.
Preschool Etiquette: Proper Introductions
Preschool Etiquette: What is Etiquette?