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Customize a Holiday Card With Ancestry.com

christmas The Ancestry.com Facebook page is filled with plenty of interesting things for genealogists to check out. They have a customizable holiday card that you can create and then send a digital copy of to your family. It has a vintage, retro, look to it, which contrasts nicely with the modern concept of an eCard.

Earlier this week, there was an uproar on the Ancestry.com Facebook page. The popular genealogy website sent out email to its thousands of members that informed them about a contest that involved the “Warhorse” movie, and a trip to London.

The problem was that when people arrived at the Ancestry.com Facebook page, they found out that there was a technological difficulty. In other words, they discovered that the tab that they had to click on in order to access the contest entry was malfunctioning. People were extremely upset and frustrated by this, and left a multitude of comments on the Ancestry.com Facebook “wall” that expressed their emotions regarding this problem.

I didn’t actually go there to enter the contest, though. I was interested in the Holiday Card, which seems to be working now. It is being described as a “Retro Family Holiday Card”. You can “send your family back in time” and show them what the holidays might have looked like years ago, “in the age of your ancestors”.

Now is a good time to dig out those old family photos, from when you and your siblings were little kids. You can upload the faces from those photos, and attach them into one of a few vintage family Christmas photos that are provided by Ancestry.com. Select from a few, retro, holiday backgrounds, and type in the message you want to add to the card.

When you finish, you can send this customized, Holiday Card to your friends and family who are on Facebook. Those who share your interest in genealogy will probably be amused by the juxtaposition between the retro style of the card, and the modern way of sending the eCard through Facebook. It doesn’t cost anything at all to have fun creating your own Retro Family Holiday Card.

While you are on the Ancestry.com Facebook page, I highly recommend watching the videos that feature Santa Claus. These are ads that mimic the previous ones from Ancestry.com, where a person talks about the interesting things they learned about their family after becoming a member of Ancestry.com. You will probably get a good laugh from hearing what Santa Claus learned about some of his ancestors!

Image by Tony Alter on Flickr