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More Mold To Clean Up

As if you didn’t have enough to worry about when keeping your house clean, now they say mold may live in your shower head.

Did you just shiver? I did when I read that, one of those full body shivers, you mean I have been getting squeaky clean every day with moldy water?

I know how important it is to keep your home mold free. Wet basements are a breeding ground for mold and once it gets started it’s really hard to get rid of. I inspect everything regularly to make sure there are no water leaks or damp areas. Selling your home is harder if you’ve had a mold problem as well.

I thought I had this mold thing under control until I read an article that said mold can grow in your shower head or in kitchen sink nozzles. Gross!

If you can take the shower head or nozzle off easily you should remove it and soak it in vinegar to clean it. This will work well on any mineral deposits left by hard water also.

After letting the shower head soak scrub it with a toothbrush or other small brush, making sure you get all the water openings really well. Then run clear water through it until everything runs smoothly.

If there seems to be a mold build up in your shower head you will need something stronger than vinegar. As much as I dislike it, you will need to soak the shower head in bleach and water to kill the mold. Make sure you where gloves, bleach is really hard on your skin.

Again, after soaking scrub with a toothbrush that you can throw away. Run clean water through the shower head. If the mold has gotten really bad you may need to replace the shower head just to be safe.

Every time I think I have this cleaning thing down, something else comes along that grosses me out!