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The Kitchen Saga, Part Three


Oh, the trepidation. It’s renovation week. It has finally arrived.

This is the second time that we’ve renovated using contractors. The first time was when I was very, very pregnant. This time, we’re not doing much DIY simply because we don’t have the time, and delightfully, we do have the money. This is a blessing, in that we don’t need to actually do the work. This fills me with trepidation, since we’re at the whim of someone else’s abilities and schedule.

Already, our final kitchen installation has been rescheduled. Everything’s going out this Friday, and it’s not coming back until the 20th. After the 20th, we’ll be measuring for counters, so the process is going to take at least 5 weeks. Luckily, I’m going away for the last bit, so my husband will be coordinating the final installation of the counters, while I coordinate everything else.

Today we have our last person over to our house before the renovation occurs. It’s hard to be social when you have a mountain of boxes and a fridge in your living room. We’re going to try to stay out of the way, for the most part. The plan is to go out for hikes after work, if the weather and the light hold. We’re going to stay out until 5 at least, check in with the contractors, and then creep into the living room, ignoring the mess that is our kitchen.

Today I’m also going to go out and buy a hot plate, if I can find one. The idea of being without a stove for a few weeks is a little crazy-making. I know that I’m lucky to even have a stove, but since I’m one of those people who likes to make hot breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, I have a relationship with my stove that is going to be on the blink for a few weeks, and we’ll miss each other very much.

One thing I’m a little worried about is our cats. We have three of them, and we’ll need to sequester them away in different rooms in the house so that they don’t run away. Not that they’re prone to running, but I’m wondering what the noise will make them do.

So this is worry week, but I’m trying not to worry too much. At the end of it, we will have a lovely kitchen!

Image Credit: [mehere]