If you are at work in the event of an emergency, don’t count on being able to go home or even to a shelter. You may be required to shelter in place at your workplace overnight or longer. Being prepared is important, and you can’t count on your employer to provide emergency supplies that you might need.
Prepare an emergency kit and keep it in your workplace to be safe. Your kit should contain the following items.
A flashlight with extra batteries. If the power is out, navigating the inside of an office building or other workplace can be very difficult. Do not use candles or any other type of open flame.
Battery powered radio. You’ll want to be able to monitor the news and information about the emergency. The situation might change as it unfolds, and you’ll want to keep informed and updated.
Food. Keep enough food on hand for at least three meals, or one day’s worth of food. Remember that you may not have means to heat or cook any of this food or refrigerate it. Some good choices are canned chicken and tuna, crackers, canned or bottled (plastic) juices, granola bars, and crackers.
Water. There is no guarantee that clean water will be available. Have at least one gallon of fresh water, more if you are nursing or taking medication.
Medication. A three-day supply of medication should be in your workplace kits. Also include common over the counter medications, such as pain relievers.
Personal hygiene items. Toothbrush and toothpaste, feminine care items, contact lens supplies and baby wipes for cleaning should be included in your kit.
First aid supplies. Most workplaces have first aid supplies readily available on site, but if your workplace doesn’t, you don’t know where they are located, or you don’t have access to them, make sure to include your own first aid supplies, including bandages, cold packs, anti-bacterial ointments, tweezers, gloves, and antiseptic wipes.
A complete change of clothing plus at least one blanket.
While this suggested list is a solid one, remember to adjust your emergency workplace kit on your own personal needs.
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