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Single Parenting an Opposite Gender Child

I think I’ve had it pretty easy as a single mother, I had one child and she is a girl, this is territory that I know! What if you are a single parent raising the opposite gender child? You have some learning to do and it will be easier than you think!

Dad while discipline may come easier for you than the nurturing side of parenting, you must remember to nurture. If your little girl gets a boo boo it’s important that you are comforting and kiss it better if necessary. This is not the time for life is not fair so suck it up lectures. Hold her hand, cuddle her, give her a hug and kiss goodbye, hello and goodnight. That’s just a start but it will help you remember to be nurturing. Also, you are raising a woman, when women have problems we don’t want you to tell us what to do, we want you to listen and be supportive, that goes for little girls too.

Mom you are now good cop and bad cop. Nurturing may come more naturally but you have to discipline and stick to your consequences. There is only you, no one else will teach your little boy right from wrong and how to be a strong, moral man, that’s your job. So when it’s breaking your heart to make him miss a play date because of bad behavior remember, he is learning and later will be grateful for the lesson.

Do not ever say “I don’t know how because, I’m a man/woman.” If you don’t know find out. The internet is a valuable resource, use it. Dad, watch a few videos online about doing your daughters hair, you can at least give her a pony tail every day so she doesn’t look like a little orphan. Mom, if your son wants to build a soap box racer or similar boy thing, again to the internet. Watch videos, research, there is nothing wrong with learning as your child learns.

Dad, play dolls, it will not affect your manhood, have a tea party, you might even learn how to bake cookies for the tea party.

Mom, throw a football, go to the batting cage and hit some balls, play miniature golf, playing with matchbox cars may be the key to your sons heart.

All of these things require you to step out of your comfort zone but remember, you are the standard that your child will use to judge a future spouse, set the bar high!