When preparing for our daughter’s arrival, I was hesitant to acquire any newborn sized outfits for her. My “pink” shopping addiction began with purchasing mostly zero to three month sizes. I limited myself to four newborn sized onsies. As my baby girl clothing collection grew, and subsequently my new addiction, I found myself buying clothing in every size but the newborn size. In my mind I figured my daughter could very well weigh over eight pounds at birth making the use of newborn clothes completely obsolete. After visiting my sister, brother-in-law and their five week old daughter, I started to rethink my position on newborn sized baby clothes. My niece was tiny (she is not tiny now at five months). Just in case my daughter was a small, I wanted to be prepared with clothes that would actually fit her when she was born. My baby girl shopping addiction was only encouraged by this as a bought several “pink” newborn outfits. In retrospect I can say that it was a good decision. My daughter was only seven pounds and nine ounces at birth and the newborn clothes seemed to swim on her! She grew as babies do and at four weeks after several poop explosions, I thought that she was growing out of her newborn clothes. I tried her in some zero to three months onsies and sleepers and they were still too big. She hit a pretty big growth spurt in the next couple of weeks. In the midst of her sixth week of life outside the womb, her newborn sleepers were clearly too short. I spent the next two weeks slowly weeding out the newborn clothes that were too small. By eight weeks ex utero, all of her newborn clothes were boxed up and put away. My daughter’s newborn stage seems to be officially over marked by her transition into larger baby clothes. I have no regrets that I bought a newborn wardrobe for her!