Yesterday I took Chrestomanci to the vet. I’d been looking forward to this for a couple reasons: one, for advice about all the feeding/misbehaving issues, and two, to compare vets. The visit was disappointing in many ways, but at least it cleared up one issue for me.
First I’ll explain what issue it cleared up. I take Chihiro and Cole to a vet that’s five minutes from our old apartment, but closer to twenty-five minutes from our house. I’ve had really good experiences there. But I also have heard a lot about another veterinarian in the county, both through personal recommendations from friends and through the rescue for which I volunteer. That office is five minutes from where we currently live, and Chrestomanci’s records were all there from his time with the rescue.
I’ll admit I was really leaning toward switching vets to the one nearby, because of its good reputation and close proximity. I figured because Chresti was due for a visit I’d take him there and check it out. Well, now I’m really leaning toward having his information transferred over to Chihiro and Cole’s vet, rather than the other way around.
Everyone at this vet was very nice, and I was impressed by the level of customer service; as soon as I walked in the door they knew exactly which appointment I was. Everyone there was warm, friendly, and personable, so much more so than anywhere else I’d been. So why am I thinking of switching?
I’ll be honest: the cost. This was the highest vet bill I’ve ever paid by at least $100. This was due in part to the fact that they found ear mites on Chrestomanci, and that he has had them long enough to possibly infect Cole; thus I had to buy a special topical Frontline-style gel to apply to both of my cats for the next three months. But even removing that hefty cost, the visit was still twice as expensive as when I took Cole for his yearly checkup to the other vet last May.
Part of me is admittedly torn about that; I think the bill was still more expensive because this vet did more checks for Chresti, doing a blood test and giving him a bunch of shots (in addition to applying a treatment for his ear mites). But then I’m swayed by the other disappointment of my visit: I told them about Cole’s counter misadventures and they mostly just laughed it off.
I know the story is funny; I presented it as such and perhaps wasn’t forceful enough in asking for help. But I received no advice on the problem; it wasn’t treated as anything other than an amusing anecdote. I’ve changed how I set things up in the kitchen so that should keep him from eating anything else he shouldn’t, but I still can’t keep him off the counter and I would have appreciated some advice on that, even if they just said, well, there’s nothing you can do.
I have a sliver of hope: my vet suggested I try some new foods for the cats, mostly for Chresti’s dandruff problem, but perhaps the better formulas (no corn fillers) will satisfy Cole’s hunger better and help him behave. Of course, if that even works I’ll have to sway Jon into consenting to the more expensive food.
Cole doesn’t need his shots until May but perhaps I’ll take him in a little early as well, to the vet that’s never let me down, and see if I can get more help. I’m glad that at least I still have a great vet to go to.
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