What really is accessorizing?
Accessorizing means taking items of value of aesthetic purpose and placing them around your home in a manner that is pleasing to the eye and functional. These items include things that are sentimental, such as pictures of loved ones, things that are aesthetic, such as decorative balls, and things that are functional, such as storage boxes.
What are some essential items that I should purchase?
Every home should have a few essential accessorizing items. These items include accent pillows, candles, picture frames, artwork and plants. Other items can also make your home comfortable, but if you are just getting started, be sure to start with the essentials. From there, you can dress up your home in a manner that is fitting with your choice of accessories.
Why is accessorizing important?
Accessorizing is important because it helps you to establish personality and function in your home. Your accessories surround you day and night. They are items that bring back memories and search as aesthetic functions of your life. Accessorizing is important because it helps to add value, comfort and consistency to your home.
Where can I purchase accessories?
You can purchase accessories at any home decorating store. These accessories tend to be interesting and, usually, functional. However, they will not be original. To find truly unique pieces, visit an antiques store or a flea market. You can generally purchase and use older pieces as-is, or you can refurbish a run-down accessory to make it work for your space.
Where can I find nice pieces of art to use as accessories?
You can find nice pieces of art for very little money all over the place. Visit local art galleries in your town for a start. Art galleries tend to be expensive, but many of them offer student shows at the end of each school semester. Schools also put on senior shows, where they sell and showcase work by graduating seniors. This work is generally very competitively priced and is a wonderful way to get original art by artists that are well on their way to making it big. Many cities have holiday crafts fairs, in which artisans from the region bring their goods for sale. These goods can be cheap to expensive, but they are an eclectic mix of some original works.
How much is too much accessorizing?
Many people enjoy purchasing accessories so much that they go overboard and do not know what to do with their left-over or unused accessories. As you rotate your way through accessories, sell or donate used items to others so that they can decorate cheaply. You know you have too many accessories on hand when nit becomes difficult to dust and your space feel overwhelmingly cluttered.
How do I accessorize for the holidays?
Nearly every holiday has some sort of theme that requires accessorizing. Most frequently, people purchase items to decorate for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Saint Patrick’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition to these holidays, you ca accessorize for the seasons, but purchasing cheap doormats, candles, figurines, potholders, towels and seasonal plants. Visit your local home decorating store for more accessorizing tips and ideas.