One way to save yourself some time, as you hunt for coupons, is to sign up to get email from They send about two emails a week, sometimes, three. Each one contains links to plenty of coupons. has a feature called “CouponFinder Lite”. You can only get access to it if you sign up to get emails from It is a free service. They have another one that you have to pay for, that is supposed to give you coupons that are even more amazing that what the “CouponFinder Lite” gives you. Personally, I think the free version works just fine.
Here is what the “CouponFinder Lite” found for me this week:
Birds Eye has a coupon for $1.00 off any two Birds Eye Steamfresh varieties. In order to get this coupon, you have to sign up on their website.
Ensure has a coupon for $3.00 off on any four-pack or six-pack of Ensure. To get this coupon, you have to log into their website.
Reynolds has a coupon for $1.00 off Reynold’s Wrap Pan Lining Paper. To get this one, you have to sign in to the website. Make sure your printer is on.
Tylenol has a coupon for $1.00 on the purchase of any one Tylenol product. There is a big form to fill out before you can get the coupon.
Barber Foods has a coupon for $1.00 on any two boxes of Stuffed Chicken Breast Entrees from Barber Foods. All they want from you is your email address.
Pure Protein has a coupon for $2.00 off any Pure Protein PROTEIN snack. It appears that this is a printable coupon.
Usually, I get an email from that shows me some of the new coupons for groceries. This week, it has coupons for stores that don’t sell grocery items.
Sephora has a coupon for a FREE Lancome Genifique Youth Activating 7 Day Sampler with any online purchase of $50.00 or more. Use the code 7DAYS to redeem it. This offer expires on March 13, 2012.
Kmart has a coupon that will save you $10.00 on any $60.00 purchase. This one will not expire until 12/31/2012
Crocs has a coupon that will save you up to 60% on Sale Items. Use the code: failship. This one expires on May 26, 2012. Plenty of time to pick up some new Crocs for summer.
Image by theimpulsivebuy on Flickr