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ABS Insurance has Tips for St. Patrick’s Day

Guinness St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. People will begin celebrating this holiday all week long, with special emphasis on celebrating this Saturday. ABS Insurance Agency has some tips that can help you avoid having to file an auto insurance claim this week.

ABS Insurance Agency is based in Chesterfield, Missouri. They are an independent agency that sells auto insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance, and life insurance. If you dig around on their website, you can see that they also sell health insurance, and a variety of other speciality types of insurance.

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is celebrated in a variety of ways. People eat shamrock shaped cookies that have green frosting. Many people will participate in “the wearing of the green” by wearing clothing that is green on St. Patrick’s Day, (or at a St. Patrick’s Day party). In the United States, one of the ways that a lot of people celebrate this holiday is by drinking lots of Guinness, Harp, and other types of alcohol.

In general, it is the consumption of alcohol, in massive quantities, that would concern an insurance company. It is easy to see how a St. Patrick’s Day celebration could lead to a situation where someone has to file a car insurance claim. Certain types of auto insurance claims could lead to an increase in your premiums.

ABS Insurance company has some tips that can help you to stay safe, and to avoid having to make an auto insurance claim, this St. Patrick’s Day. Many of them fall under the category of “common sense”. It is never a bad idea to point out this type of advice.

Don’t get behind the wheel after you have consumed alcohol. You may think that you are sober enough to drive. However, in reality, as little as two drinks could result in an impaired ability to operate a vehicle. If you get pulled over, and end up taking a breathalyzer, those two drinks could make you end up with a DUI arrest. Not only will that end your fun for the night, but it will also very likely raise your car insurance premiums.

Always lock the doors to your vehicle if you are going to leave it unattended. People make the mistake of leaving their car unlocked while they go watch a St. Patrick’s Day parade. Sometimes, they do this because they believe that they will only be away from their car “for a few minutes”. Others think that their car is safe because there are tons of people hanging around.

If everyone is focusing on the parade, then no one is paying attention to the parking lot. Lock your doors. Make it that much more difficult for a thief to steal your vehicle. This advice might prevent you from having to file an insurance claim and a police report this weekend.

Image by Yumi Kimura on Flickr

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About Jen Thorpe

I have a B.S. in Education and am a former teacher and day care worker. I started working as a freelance writer in 2010 and have written for many topics here at Families.com.