Book: Finding a New Land
Author: Elizabeth Kearney, ed.
Publisher: Christian Liberty Press
Format: Soft-cover or PDF file
Grade Level: 4th
Subject: Reading and history
Add On or Supplemental: Test packet and Answer Key
Book Description:
This reader uses a series of stories and poems to teach students about the exploration and settlement of the New World. Students will learn about people and events of colonial America and the struggle for American independence; and will be introduced to such famous people as Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Edwards, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Betsy Ross.
My Thoughts:
Finding a New Land is just one more reason to love Christian Liberty Press. CLP always has well formatted and organized material. As with any CLP products, you can transform it to your homeschool method. Finding a New Land is intended for 4th graders but do not let that stop you from sharing it as a family with older or younger students if you teach multiples ages in your history portion of the day.
The chapters are short and easy to read making this a nice read aloud to multiple students or reader for one student. The chapters are interesting, historically accurate, and give a large amount of information in just a few pages. The end of the chapter provides a vocabulary list. The vocabulary words on the list are bolded throughout the chapter. In addition, there are comprehension questions. You can use these as discussion questions or have your student right out the answers in a notebook. Finally, you will see a section called Extension Activity. The activities will vary from chapter to chapter. These tools can allow you to teach a deeper understanding of history through vocabulary, questions, and activities. You can focus on a chapter a week or read up to three a week depending on your schedule. The book can be used as a reader or for study. Either way, you will be happy to add this book to your history collection.