Intense side stretch pose (Parsvottanasana in Sanskrit) is a forward bend pose that can be performed by students of all levels of practice. This asana stretches the hamstrings, shoulders, calf, and back muscles, and strengthens the legs.
Intense side stretch pose offers several benefits, including improving digestion, balance and stimulating the internal organs. This asana also calms the mind and helps to improve feelings of anxiety and depression.
To move into intense side stretch pose, begin by standing in mountain pose. Step your feet about three or four feet apart with the right foot in front of the left. The right heel should be in line with the left heel and the toes pointing forward.
Rotate your upper body so the pelvis and hips facing the front of the mat, as you would for Warrior I pose. On an inhalation breath, lengthen the torso and lean forward over the right leg as you begin to exhale. Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso, while brining the hands or fingers to the floor with one hand on each side of the right foot. The fingers should be facing back toward the left foot. If you are unable to rest the hands on the floor, you can clasp the elbows behind your back.
Begin by bending forward until the body is parallel to the floor and then begin to fold the front torso toward the top of the right thigh. Keep the back straight and gradually bring the torso to the leg. It may take several practices before you are able to achieve the full pose.
Hold intense side stretch for about thirty seconds and then gradually come up with the inhalation breath. Return to mountain pose and then step the left foot forward and the right foot back to repeat the asana on the other side of the body.