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Stop Procrastinating

I am a major procrastinator. If I can find an excuse to put something off, I will. I tell myself I’m more productive under pressure but really all I’m doing is causing myself unnecessary

Being a single mother means my to do list is never ending, somethings I think it writes itself. It’s so easy to put things off, there is so much to do.

The problem with procrastination is that the things on my to do list, or the problems that I’m ignoring don’t go away, they may even get bigger. Like the never ending pile of laundry, I can put it off as long as I want but that just means there is more of it when I get to it. Or that noise my car is making, putting off what may be a simple repair can leave me stranded on the side of the road.

When you are raising kids alone it’s really important not to procrastinate, first you are setting a bad example and second, there’s no one else to help you get caught up.

It’s hard to face every challenge head on, but we need to, we have to deal with our challenges and put them behind us otherwise we never move forward. You can’t get from where you are to where you want to be with all this dead weight hanging on to you.

The problem is, how do you stop procrastinating, I really want to learn, but I keep putting it off!

Ok, so first things first, make a list of all the things you are putting off, I am the queen of list making just not list doing!

Pick one thing from your list and do it for fifteen minutes. You will be surprised at what you can get done in fifteen minutes. You may get so much done that you finish the job.

I usually put things off that I think are going to take too long but once I started paying attention I was surprised at how little time things take. No matter how many dishes are strewn around my kitchen it has rarely taken the full fifteen minutes to do them.

As a side note, this post took three days because I kept putting it off!