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Weight Watchers Meeting, Uncovered

Ever Wonder What Goes On in That Place?

Think you might like to head to a Weight Watchers meeting and find out what all the hoopla is about? Yesterday I gave you the low-down on the two dieting plans—so today I thought I’d give you the scoop on what it’s really like to attend your first meeting.

Before you go, head to the Weight Watchers website to find a center location and meeting time that suits you. In my area alone, there are 5 centers within a 15 mile radius and meetings everyday (except Sunday).. and there are numerous times throughout the day and after work (so, no excuses to skip a meeting!)

You’ve decided to head to the center, what’s next you ask? You’ll be asked by an extremely friendly staff member (yes, being overly friendly and nice is a staff requirement) to fill out some minor paperwork and get started. You’ll receive a weight journal, which keeps a tally of your progress every week. After you pay your initial membership fee (throughout the year, like now, you can start for free!) and your weekly dues, ($10.95 for new members), you’re asked to head to the back to start changing your life.

You’ll meet your leader, who is there to help you with encouragement and to answer your questions every step of the way. From losing 20 lbs to 120, you’re leader is there for you, 24-7. She or he will also give you some valuable handouts (which you receive for the first 12 weeks) which include everything from exercising tips to recipes.

From there, yes, you must face the inevitable and step on that scale. It’s not that bad, and done extremely confidentially, and no one can see your weight besides you and your leader. After you’ve gotten that out of the way, you next determine your first weight loss goal.

Most leaders suggest that you lose 10% of your body weight, which seems like a BUNCH, but in the whole scheme of things (and if you’ve got a lot of weight to take off) it’s easier to swallow (no pun intended!).

After everyone has weighed in, the meeting begins. For the next 30 minutes you’ll get inspired by weight loss stories (one lady in my group had lost 215 lbs!), and for those who have met their weight loss goals for the week stand up and tell what they are doing right and usually shell out a few great secrets to their success. Throughout the meeting you’ll receive yummie recipes and cover some sort of helpful weight loss topic which usually yields a LOT of discussion.

After the meeting is over, you’ll have a one-on-one session with your leader (and other newbie’s). The leader will tell you their weight loss story (all WW leaders have gone through the program), why they succeeded, and how it changed their life. They will explain the programs (but you already know about those!) and answer any questions you might have. With a little motivational pep talk, they turn you lose, only to return next week a few pounds lighter!

Just a tip—Weight Watchers centers across the country sell food (shakes, diet bars, and snacks) as well as books (Quick Reference Diet Guide and Eating Out Guide)—I suggest you buy BOTH books..how else are you going to figure out your points? and some goodies because they’re tasty AND you’re going to be a wee bit hungry.