So, we had what I would consider a very successful week last week in switching my baby to Alimentum ready to feed formula. As the week progressed, I decided to stop nursing completely during the day and just offer the bottle. I watched as during the week, he gradually took more and more each day. I was thrilled. And, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Some changes I have noticed are first and foremost the bowel movements. He slowed down a lot, and by the end of the week, had gone two days without one!! For me, having babies that were exclusively breastfed, this was unheard of. I was relieved this morning when he finally went, and all looked well. Amazing how as Moms, the subject of poop becomes so important. Especially when you are dealing with food allergies.
He also had one night where he slept a 5 1/2 hour stretch. Unfortunately, this trend is not continuing, and I think that is due in large part to the fact that we are still co-sleeping, and I am still nursing at night. I am not quite sure how to stop the night feedings, and this, I’m afraid, will probably be the most difficult part. But, seeing him make that slight improvement made me so happy!
Overall, I feel like he is becoming a happier baby. He has never really stopped smiling, but he has seemed more calm when he isn’t being held, and the reflux seems almost non-existent now. This is a huge improvement for us.
I am still having a hard time grasping that formula might actually be the best choice for my baby. After all, breast is best right? But, sometimes, you do all you can, and it is still not enough. And, the important thing I am trying to tell myself is that formula is an OK choice for me too.