In every job and profession there are “ugh” days. The days you think your head will explode if you have to file one more expense report or write one more word. The days you just want to quit and start something new. For many too many “ugh” days and they are off to work on their own and become home based professionals. No more expense reports, no more unpaid lunches, no more boss’s dirty looks. Soon they settle into their new adventure and things are hard and busy but worth every drop of sweat. Then it happens. The feeling previously felt only under the regime of a boss or during long commutes. The feeling described only as “ugh”.
Yes, even home based professionals have those days. The days when you wonder why you decided to bring this craziness on yourself. You know what I mean if you have been working from home long enough. Sometimes it is the isolation that does it. Sometimes it is the feeling you are not accomplishing anything and sometimes it is the reality that you are not accomplishing anything. You sometimes think to yourself that you don’t need a business you need a job. You need a place to call work and a place to call home. You can’t answer one more email, talk to one more client, try to get one more client, or write one more word that makes any sense down on paper. You are tired, frustrated, and ready for a paid vacation. Except, you are the boss and the business. Oh and in case you did not know, there are no paid vacations.
Feeling this way from time to time is normal. It is not a reason to pack it all in and head back to the office. If you have to let out an audible “ugh” then by all means feel free. Just don’t quit! You may have some “ugh” months with only a few sprinkles of happy moments. What gets you through is remembering the reason you started this journey to begin with. If you feel in your heart that you gave it your all and it is still not working then change course. That’s right…you can change direction. Just maintain the path and conviction and success will follow. All things worth working toward will have its share of “ugh” days.