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A Love That Multiplies by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to parent nineteen children? I never thought about that as a goal for myself and when the Duggar family kept getting bigger and bigger, I thought those people must be crazy!

I am always fascinated with stories about large families and this book is wonderful. It’s amazing that anyone can raise that many children and live debt free. That alone is enough to write a book about, but Michelle and Jim Bob give us more.

In the book they explain more about their faith. Not really the deep down what they believe, although that is sprinkled through, but how they use their faith to teach their children. They explain everything from nightly bible time to why they dress the way they do.

It’s hard to imagine how these things work for them but they have raised their children this way since birth, they know what is expected of them.

When Michelle had Josie, who was a micro preemie and had to spend months at the hospital caring for her, the entire family pitched in. When Grandpa Duggar was ill and had to come live with them, the entire family pitched in.

The thing that comes through in this book for me is the graciousness they all have. They really do live their faith and strive to make the world a better place.

Michelle comes across as very sweet and soft spoken, just like in her interviews. I can’t imagine running that house with that soft voice, but she does it. Michelle doesn’t want to use harsh words to talk to her children so she has made it her goal to speak softly to them, even when she is angry.

Some of the stories will make you laugh out loud and whether you agree with their family size or not, they are making it work. They are raising children who contribute to society, earn their own money, and know the value of family.

It’s an enjoyable book giving you a peek at what it’s like living with all those people.