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Summon Your Strength To Get It Done

Sometimes, the thought is more unpleasant than the process. When you have your own home – based business, you may go through times where you wonder how on earth you are going to get all of the work that you have to get done on time. You might make a plan for when you will do the work, and that is a good thing because it is important to stay organized. Unfortunately, looking at the road map that you have set out for the week, month, or project can sometimes be overwhelming.

If you find yourself staring down a deadline or looking woefully at your week’s work calendar, do not despair. You can do it. In fact, you have probably done it before. Now might be a good time to think back on other times when you have felt that you could not possibly get it all done but you went ahead and did it anyways. By looking back in time and seeing what gave you the strength and motivation to get it done last time, you may be able to propel yourself forwards and get it done again this time.

I have quite a bit of work to do this week. If I focus too much on how much there is to do, it could overwhelm me. I am turning to a strategy that has worked for me in the past. When it is time to work each night, that is just what I do. I put my nose to the proverbial grindstone and type away until that evening’s work is complete. Spending less time thinking about how much there is to do and more time actually doing it has gotten me through many an intense work week. During the day, I tackle as many household chores as I can so that I am not distracted by piles of laundry and a sink of dirty dishes as I make my way to the computer. These are simple things, but they work for me. When you are faced with a lot of work to do, how do you find the strength to power through it to get it done?

Photo by jeltovski on morguefile.com.