Ready for some more genealogy podcast to listen to? Every week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. It also is where to find random episodes of podcasts that don’t usually focus on genealogy, but have devoted an episode to it this time.
African Roots Podcast released episode number 166 on June 8, 2012. In this episode, host Angela Walton-Raji talks about an event that was occurring at the National Gallery of Art in Washington on the day she recorded this episode. She talks about several upcoming genealogy events that you can check out, and links to a Washington Post article that featured Bernice Bennett. She also points out a genealogy blog you should check out that is called “George Geder’s blog”.
FGS released a new episode of My Society on June 9, 2012. This episode is called “Records Preservation and Access Committee”. This episode is hosted by Randy Whited. He is joined by guest Teri Flack, the chair of the Texas State Genealogical Society’s Records Preservation and Access Committee. They discuss the work that RPAC does and how you can get involved.
The episode includes an FGS 2012 Conference speaker showcase. This time, Frazine Taylor, former Head of Reference for the Alabama Department of Archives and History (ADAH). The featured FGS member society for this episode is the Niagara Country Genealogical Society.
The National Archives released an audio episode of their podcast on May 18, 2012. This episode is called “UKAD forum 2012: Linked data and the Step Change project”. In this episode, Geoff Browell and Robert Baxter talk about linked data. The overall topic is about the latest thinking around online access to archives and archives data and how to share ideas about making archives more accessible online.
FamilySearch doesn’t have a podcast, exactly. However, they have created two brand new videos that are helpful to genealogists. One is called “FamilySearch: Access to Records”. It answers many of the frequently asked questions that genealogist have about the records at FamilySearch. The other one is called “FamilySearch: Search Tips”. That video will teach you new strategies that you can use to get better results when you search through the records at FamilySearch.
Image by Matt Kieffer on Flickr