Whether or not you are a fan of the Bible, you might be familiar with the Proverbs 31 woman. She is what some consider being the “ideal” type of wife, mother, worker and housekeeper.
Many a woman has tried to live up to her standards. Not only is she a woman with strong character and integrity but she is quite industrious. She rises before the sun is up and works late into the night.
She is considered to have great worth in the eyes of her husband, who trusts her with all things. She would never bring him harm, only good as long as they both shall live.
And one day her children will rise up and call her blessed. In other words, they will recognize the remarkable woman she is. Ahhh…sounds lovely, doesn’t it?
But how often do we really feel these things? We are trying to run a home and take care of our family. We have so many responsibilities that we don’t know which direction we are going some days.
We think we live busy lives?
She made her children’s clothes. All I have to do is go to the nearest Kohl’s Department store and within half an hour my children are set.
The Proverbs 31 woman brought her food from afar. She didn’t have a grocery store five minutes from her home like I do.
She did some investing and with her money, planted a vineyard. I am lucky if I remember to water the wilting plants in my yard.
She even made the coverings for their beds. I picked mine up from Walmart.
But on the side she also made linen garments and sold them. My living is through my computer.
She is vigorous, strong and giving. Some days I am lazy, weak and selfish.
The Proverbs 31 woman can laugh at the days to come, while I tend to worry. She speaks with wisdom, when I sometimes wonder what in the world caused me to say what I did.
You can get kind of depressed thinking about all that the Proverbs 31 woman is. Many a book has been written on her, much of it focusing on our role as a wife, mother and housekeeper.
I will likely never arise to the place of being like the Proverbs 31 woman. But I am the best wife, mother and housekeeper I can possibly be. And for me, that’s good enough.
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Which Type of Housekeeper Are You?
When Someone’s Best Isn’t Good Enough
Photo by Mrs Logic in Flickr