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Differing Views on the ACA Ruling

California This year, one of the biggest issues that will be considered as people cast their vote for President of the United States of America will have to do with health insurance. It will also be an important part of elections for Senator and Representatives. Here is what some of them had to say.

You don’t have to have paid a whole lot of attention to the news in order to understand what each of the presidential candidates thinks about health insurance and health care. It is obvious that President Barack Obama, who is a Democrat, wants to continue with the Affordable Care Act. It is equally obvious that Mitt Romney, who is a Republican, wants to repeal “Obamacare”.

Health insurance is also going to be a big issue for the elections involving those who are running for the Senate or the House of Representatives, as well. Here is what some of the politicians from California are saying about the Supreme Court’s decision about the Affordable Care Act.

I live on the Central Coast of California. The person who is currently representing the people in the twenty-third district is Lois Capps, who is a Democrat. Here is some of what she had to say about the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act:

On her Facebook page, Lois Capps posted: “Breaking: The Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. This decision ensures that we can build on the progress already underway to fix our broken health care system, and that those who are already benefitting from the law – including Central Coast families, seniors, young people, and small businesses – can continue to do so. I am grateful that under today’s ruling all these reforms benefiting consumers and small businesses will be protected and I pledge to continue working with my colleagues in Congress to make this law work even better for Americans in the years to come.”

Kevin McCarthy is the Congressional Representative for California’s twenty-second district. He is a Republican, and the Majority Whip in the U.S. House of Representatives. He said:

“More than two years after its passage, healthcare costs have gone up and millions of Americans are at risk of losing their current coverage. The impact of pending tax hikes on hardworking families and small businesses in California and across the country, massive new debt-fueled spending and the proliferation of burdensome regulations is adding to the uncertainty that is already holding back economic growth and job creation”.

Abel Maldonado is a Republican and a current twenty-fourth district of California candidate. He said:

“We are a nation built on the right to be free and the right to make choices for ourselves, and I believe that government should never force anyone to buy a service. The fundamental truth is that the American people want a health-care solution that expands access to care, preserves choice and lowers costs.” He goes on to say: The Supreme Court’s decision couldn’t be clearer: “Obamacare is a tax and the Congress has the sole authority to repeal that tax. I support a bipartisan repeal and replace of the Obamacare tax.”

Image by Calsidyrose on Flickr