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I Wouldn’t Miss This For The World

It really is the simple things in life that make it all worthwhile. There is nothing better than the sound of Hailey’s laughter. Ever since she was a baby if she laughs too hard she gets hiccups. Now that she is all grown up she still does that. I wonder if her father remembers that about her.

The hardest part about being divorced is trying to explain to your child why her father isn’t there. I’ve tried so many times, made a million excuses but inside my heart breaks for her.

How can he not want to be part of her life? How can he not miss her face? Doesn’t it bother him not to talk to her every day? Forget about the holidays, those are hard on Hailey. Not talking to her every day would be devastating to me.

Why is it sometimes when people get divorced one spouse will chose to divorce the whole family. I can’t understand it. I don’t know how you can walk away and not want to know that she is ok.

Hailey’s life is changing so quickly right now, it seems that every day there is a new development. My ex husband doesn’t know any of this.

Sadly, he doesn’t even know his son in law. My daughter has been married for almost three months, just a drop in the bucket of a life long marriage, but her father is already missing out on so much.

I thought our time of firsts was done, but I’ve discovered all the grown up firsts. Her first apartment, the day she walked down the aisle, her first car purchase, with her husband, as an adult.

There are still so many things happening in Hailey’s life. Things I don’t want to miss, things I can’t believe he doesn’t care about. One day there will be grandchildren, what will we tell them about why he is not around?

I guess gone are the days when a parent was a parent forever. Now we live in a disposable society, it seems to even apply to our children.