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Preparing for the 4th

Is your house ready for the 4th of July? Usually, I decorate for every holiday, lately, I’ve been letting those things slide. I think it’s time to at least get some flags out and show a little spirit.

For most of the United States the 4th means bbq’s and family. I love summer holidays, any excuse to get together with my family and friends, I’ll take it.

Holiday dinners in the winter are nice but there is something to be said about sitting outside, after the sun goes down on a warm summer evening and watching the kids run around the yard.

Of course because it’s so hot you have to take extra precautions. If you are hosting the event make sure you have lots of sunscreen, someone always forgets and you end up with little burned noses.

Keeping your food safe is more of a concern in the summer as well. Most summer salads contain mayonnaise so you want to keep those cold. We use huge metal bowls, fill them with ice, and put the bowl with the salad on top. You can keep condiments cold the same way.

Citronella candles are a must if everyone is going to be outside after dark, just make sure they are high enough that the little ones can’t knock them over.

My favorite way to end the night is smores over the fire pit. The kids will finally stand still for a few minutes and it’s a great way to wrap things up. When the smores are finished it’s time to go home.

To make clean up easier make sure there are lots of trash cans available with ones marked for recycling. A picture taped to the can will help even the littlest guest to recycle.

If you are hosting don’t try to do it all yourself, if people offer take them up on it. Even if you want to do all the food yourself they can bring drinks, paper products or lawn games. The extra help will make it all go smoother.