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Is Your Car Really Clean?

I just bought a new car. My old car was seven years old and had 90,000 miles on it. It was slowly falling apart. I had hoped to keep it for ten years but that wasn’t to be.

My car is usually clean, I don’t have trash in there so I think it’s clean. When I cleaned it out so I could trade it in I found out I’m a car hoarder.

In my nice clean car I found:
A dog leash
A dog water bottle
Doggie potty bags
A bone
A flashlight
The owners manual
An old cell phone
Ten shopping bags
A backpack full of emergency supplies
Three bungee cords
Keys to mystery things
Phone charger
Ivy’s sippy cup
A blanket
A tarp
Three Happy Meal Toys
$1.53 in change
Clementine’s squeak toy
A wallet
Directions to somewhere ( I don’t remember where I was going)
Hair clips, pony tail holders and bobby pins
A little tool kit
Jumper cables
2 yoga mats
A water bottle

Yikes. Something has to be done. Right now the new car is nice and clean and I’m going to develop a schedule to keep it that way. In the meantime I have to find homes for all the things that were living in my car and figure out a way to keep them from piling up again.

I’m looking at different car organizers and trying to figure out the best plan. Sometimes I think having to many organizers and cubbies is just as bad as having none. With the organizers you can hide things away and forget they are there, like I did.

At least I’m not as bad as this lady, I don’t think I have to start gluing things to the outside of the car just yet.