When we go over the sink to wash our hands after using the potty, my daughter decides that she does not like being in such a small space and starts to cry. I quickly get us back to collecting groceries and foregoing several items that we need because I can get them elsewhere for a better price. Once we finally get in line, I tell the cashier that the chemical free chicken and sausages are from the “health market” but never ring up as such so she will have to enter the discount manually, which she does without a problem. At this point in our grocery shopping excursion, my daughter has decided that she has had enough and starts whimpering while her brother tries to entertain her while balancing precariously on the stroller. I am trying to keep an eye on every item as they are scanned but realized after reviewing my receipt that several things had rang up incorrectly. So with my crying six month old and my acrobatic two year old, I go to the customer service desk to do the math in order to receive a refund on the items not discounted correctly. After a customer service clerk redid the math incorrectly (I had to explain to her how to correct the mistake), we headed back to the car, screaming baby and all so that we could hit our last stop: gasoline for the car. Of course my daughter is still mad so I try to soothe her while I am pumping gas. She seems a little pacified but clearly not happy that she is still in her carseat. I get home, unload the kids, and the groceries. Get the groceries put away and nurse the baby only to realize that I was overcharged for the organic cherries …
(To be continued …)