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Heel Pain

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For a few months or so I would get heel pain as I stepped out of bed in the morning, the pain would dissipate as I moved and then vanish. It would reappear after sitting for awhile at times but would never last for long. It did not prevent me from walking with the kids or working out. It seemed to only be a problem on some mornings and rarely after sitting for a while. Then recently, the pain did not dissipate as the day went on. It was on and off all day long. I thought I may have I juried it but nothing happened that I could remember. Then I found the answer.

This is what I found:

There are two different categories of heel pain. The first is caused by over-use repetitive stress which refers to a soreness resulting from too much impact on a specific area of the foot. This condition, often referred to as “heel pain syndrome,” can be caused by shoes with heels that are too low, a thinned out fat pad in the heel area, or from a sudden increase in activity. Plantar fasciitis, a very common diagnosis of heel pain, is usually caused from a biomechancial problem, such as over-pronation (flat feet). The plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue that runs along the bottom surface of the foot, from the heel through the midfoot and into the forefoot. Over-pronation can cause the plantar fascia to be excessively stretched and inflamed, resulting in pain in the heel and arch areas of the foot. Often the pain will be most intense first thing in the morning or after a prolonged period of rest. The pain will gradually subside as the day progresses.

This describes my issue exactly! I was thrilled to find an what appeared to be the answer. I do not recommend seeking medical answers online. Normally, I never look up medical issues but I did not think heel pain would be complicated or “scary” to look up.

The cause is flat feet, wearing shoes without proper shock absorbers, and the biggie….being overweight. Weight loss alone can solve the problem. I had heard of people who lost weight and say their aches and pains disappeared with the weight. This is just one more reason to lose weight and not put it off one more day.

Do you experience joint pain or heel pain? If you are overweight it could be the cause. Ironically, the cause may prevent you from working out. It is hard to get motivated when you are in pain or know that activity will cause pain. Just keep thinking that the pain will ease or vanish as the weight comes off. No more resting. No more thinking you cannot take another step. No more taking pain killers. Talk to your doctor to see if weight loss would relieve your pain. It is just one more reason for me to shed the pounds.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.