I hear that all the time after I confirm that I am that woman with kids in tow at the grocery store on a Wednesday morning. I am either asked if there is a school holiday or if I homeschool. The most common response I get when people know I homeschool is “I could never homeschool.” The second most common response always includes something about being with kids all day or being happy to send kids off to school. Both responses used to shock me and now they either make me laugh a little.
I know it is not possible for every person to homeschool. I also know that many do not desire to homeschool. But that is different than the feeling that one could never homeschool. Homeschooling is not a grew mystery or reserved for special moms who have a knack for creativity and an abundance of patience. Abandon the idea of a mom in a denim with perfectly cut hair and a complete understanding of child psychology who is obsessed with organization. Any parent who desires to homeschool can homeschool. Homeschooling is simply an extension of your love and care for your child. It is nothing to fear. There are so many resources, support and helping hands out there that you will never be alone.
As far as a parent who feels being with her own child all day long would be too stressful, I have a few things to say. First, all relationships take work and all have the potential to cause stress. When we view a relationship by what it can provide us then we are already doomed to fail. Children are here for our entertainment. They are little sprouts that need love, caring for, protection, direction and redirection. I do not homeschool because I have angels for children or I possess the magic of Mary Poppins. I am not a perfect parent with perfect solutions. I have stressful days and I get frustrated with my kids. Overall, I cannot see how anything other then raising my children can compare in worth or value. I continue to work on the part of me that has personal aspirations, I just chose to not allow that to interfere with raising my kids.
Those are my answers. What are your answers?