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Eight Months Post Partum

It has been eight months since my daughter’s birth. So many things have happened in the past eight months that it is somewhat difficult to separate the events of the last several months. If it were not for my almost non existent cycles, I would say that I am completely back to normal post baby.

At eight months post partum maintaining the motivation to limit sweets and exercise daily has been a huge struggle. There always seem to be an excuse to bake something sweet either for our more frequent dinner guests or for all the summer birthdays we have been celebrating (thankfully there are no more birthdays for a couple of months). It really is a double weakness for me because I absolutely love to bake marvelously decadent sweets and I also love to eat them! It should then be no surprise that I am really struggling to drop the last few pregnancy pounds. After several months of really dedicated workouts (I got back into my workout routine at four weeks post partum) with little to no progress, I found myself truly discouraged. My workouts became less dedicated. I would have a great week of working out every day and then a bad week of working out only two or three times. Somewhere in the midst of my struggle to limit the sweet homemade treats and my lack of motivation to exercise, I managed to drop the last three pounds of my pregnancy weight. While I am officially back to my pre pregnancy weight, I am not back to my original pre baby weight (my pre pre pregnancy weight). I would love to burn off the excess body fat that I carried around even before I had babies. It is time to recommit and cut the empty carbohydrates out of my diet completely, which is easier said than done!