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Zombies, Playgrounds, and News Updates

September calendar There is always a wide variety of topics that appear on the Special Needs Blog. This week, there are blogs that update previous news stories, information about a Zombie Walk, and places to find inclusive playgrounds that can accommodate kids with special needs. These blogs appeared between September 17, 2012, and September 22, 2012.

The Trailers are Still Being Used
Last year, a public school in Missouri placed the Special Education classrooms into two trailers, that were not located on the grounds of the elementary school. Parents were upset, and threatened to remove their kids from the school if the trailers were still in place in the new school year. The trailers are still in use.

A Zombie Walk for Kids With Special Needs
In Ohio, there will be a a Zombie Walk that is designed to accommodate children who have special needs, and their families. There will be Zombie Dancing at the end of the walk!

School Worker Handed Child the Wrong Medication
A nine year old boy was handed ADHD medication by a school worker. The boy does not have ADHD. This is a scary situation that happened in a school in England. Parents might want to talk to their children and make sure that he or she can visually recognize their prescription medication. It might help avoid a tragic mistake!

Principal Suspended for Comments Has Resigned
Principal David Madden was suspended after making unprofessional comments about students in the Special Education program. He was allowed to return as Principal when the new school year started. Since then, he has decided to resign.

California Law Officially Bans “Predatory” ADA Lawsuits
The purpose is to prevent businesses from settling out of court and avoiding making the necessary changes in order to comply with the American’s With Disabilities Act. However, there is wording in the law that I think could make it harder for legitimate ADA lawsuits to be filed.

Inclusive Fun for Kids With Special Needs
This blog contains some information about playgrounds and activities that are designed to include kids who have special needs. You’ve probably heard of Morgan’s Wonderland. You might not have heard of Kids Together, or of the special events that will be happening soon. It’s nice that playgrounds are starting to be designed to accommodate for the needs of all children, so everyone can play together.

Image by redstamp.com on Flickr