If you missed part I in this series, go here first.
If we truly want to seek the spirit, first, we have to want the Holy Ghost in our lives. I’m sure all of us can think of a time in our lives where we were more spiritually minded. Maybe some of you are experiencing that time right now. But, maybe some of you can think of more spiritual times in your life than right now. One thing we need to do is to WANT the Holy Ghost in our lives daily. This is the first step in seeking it. In 3 Nephi 19:6 and 9 it says “And the twelve did teach the multitude; and behold, they did cause that the multitude should kneel down upon the face of the earth, and should pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus. …“And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them.” What an example. The thing they desired most of all was the Holy Ghost. So, first, we must desire.
Next, we need to invite the Holy Ghost into our lives. This, of course, can be done through prayer, but Elder Bednar stated in his talk in October of 2010 in General Conference the following:
“Our invitations for the companionship of the Holy Ghost occur in many ways: through the making and keeping of covenants; by praying sincerely as individuals and families; by searching the scriptures diligently; through strengthening appropriate relationships with family members and friends; by seeking after virtuous thoughts, actions, and language; and by worshipping in our homes, in the holy temple, and at church. Conversely, casualness about or the breaking of covenants and commitments, failing to pray and study the scriptures, and inappropriate thoughts, actions, and language cause the Spirit to withdraw from or to avoid us altogether.”
In this same talk, Elder Bednar goes on to explain that almost all of the things we do in the Gospel to show our obedience serve good purposes, but they are also for the purpose of obtaining the Spirit. He says:
“Consider the reasons we pray and study the scriptures. Yes, we yearn to communicate in prayer with Heavenly Father in the name of His Son. And yes, we desire to obtain the light and knowledge available in the standard works. But please remember that these holy habits primarily are ways whereby we always remember Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son and are prerequisites to the ongoing companionship of the Holy Ghost. Reflect on the reasons we worship in the house of the Lord and in our Sabbath meetings. Yes, we serve our kindred dead in the temple—and our families and friends in the wards and branches in which we live. And yes, we enjoy the righteous sociality we find among our brothers and sisters. But we primarily gather together in unity to seek the blessings of and instruction from the Holy Ghost. “
It is comforting to me to know that the act of attending church each week, and following the other commandments from the Lord, is a sure way to receive the Holy Ghost. In some ways, the more commandments that we obey, the stronger we will feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Stay Tuned for the next part in this series where we discuss Relying on the Spirit once we receive it.