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Take a Genealogy Trip to Plimoth Plantation

Plimoth plantation November is an excellent time to do some genealogy travel to Plimoth Plantation. You and your family can climb aboard a ship that is a replica of the Mayflower, walk around the plantation itself, and learn a lot about what it was like to live around the time of the first Thanksgiving. There are events going on all through November.

Tired of sitting at home and doing your genealogy research? That is a sign that you need to experience some travel genealogy. A good place to visit in November is the Plimoth Plantation. Genealogists who have ancestors who lived in Massachusetts around the time of the first Thanksgiving can get a glimpse of what their lives were like.

Plimoth Plantation has a lot to see. They have a replica of the Mayflower, which is called the Mayflower II. You can climb aboard and walk around. There are people in period costumes on board who will tell you about their lives aboard the ship. There is a 17th Century English Village and a Wampanog Homesite to explore.

There are also going to be several special events going on all November. On November 10, 2012, there will be A Harvest Dinner With the Pilgrims which will begin at 5:30 in the evening. Sit down to a “groaning board” filled with the finest food of the season. Your hosts will be from the year 1627.

Learn about the table manners of the time and be entertained by psalms and songs that are centuries old. The event will also take place on November 17, November 14, and on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2012.

On November 16, 2012, there will be a featured event on the Wampanoag Pavilion. It will begin at 11:00 in the afternoon and end at 4:00 in the evening. Come and learn what really happened at that first dinner between the Colonists and Wampanoag people in the Fall of 1621. Learn about the significance of the first Thanksgiving, the foods that were served, and the people who actually attended. There will be Wampanoag and Colonial interpreters at the pavilion to give you more information.

These are just a few of the many events that will be happening at Plimoth Plantation this month. For more information, visit their website. Part of their website will help you to plan your visit.

Image by Erik Anestad on Flickr