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Algerian Couscous

Algerian Couscous

1 can cooked chickpeas, drain
1 pound package couscous
2 large onions, chopped
1 carrot, sliced
1 green bell pepper, sliced
1 eggplant, sliced, salted and rinsed
1 pound of lamb cut in 2-inch cubes
1 Chicken, cut up in 8 parts
3 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons pimento, diced
4 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
2 teaspoons paprika
7 ounces fresh string beans or peas
9-ounces can artichoke bottoms, drained
Cayenne pepper
4 ounces butter

Place couscous in shallow pan with 4 cups water. Swirl and pour off water immediately in a sieve. Rub couscous well between hands and drop back into pan, making sure couscous is lump free. Let this dry while preparing remainders. Fry onions garlic, pepper, carrot, and eggplant with chicken and lamb in oil. Add chickpeas, pimento, salt, and pepper to taste. Bring mixture to a boil and fasten colander over kettle to fit snugly.

Spoon couscous into colander and let steam for 45 minutes. Dump couscous back into pan to let dry again. Add tomatoes, beans, or peas and cook another 1/2 hour. Now attach colander and let couscous steam another 15 minutes. Add artichoke and canned chickpeas to the stew. Cook a few minutes longer and then add some butter to the couscous. Place couscous shaped into a cone on a serving platter, surrounding it with meat and vegetables.