When you are a single parent just making ends meet can be a struggle. The only way to get you and your children into a better financial position is through education.
I know what you’re thinking, there already aren’t enough hours in the day or enough money to go around, how can you possibly go to school?
It may be easier than you think. Many career paths will offer the chance to do a paid apprenticeship. You learn, while you are working so you gain usable, real life job experience.
As a single mother you may also qualify for tuition assistance, grants and government help. Our government would much rather you get an education than collect assistance all your life.
Check into various programs, some even pay for child care while you go to school. There are also online courses that you can take, at your own pace, working around your children.
It will not be easy, nothing about raising children alone is, but by getting an education you are creating your own light at the end of the tunnel.
Whether you go back to school or not, it’s going ot be hard. However, if you go back to school you know things will get better. You will be able to see a time when your income will rise and things will be easier.
If you don’t take the help that is available to you, you will continue to struggle and be stressed out for a much longer period of time.
Not only will school improve your financial situation but you will be setting an amazing example for your kids. If you can go to school while working, raising kids and running a house, then there is nothing they can’t do!
So start today. Pull up some information on the internet. Find out if your job has tuition reimbursement, if they don’t start looking for one that does. Apply for grants. Talk to everyone you can about going back to school, help and information may come from the most unexpected places.