“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV
I want to start out by saying that Families.com is not a Christian website. Families.com supports families of all sizes, colors and set of beliefs. Families.com welcomes all families and individuals to partake in their site and discussion boards. The weight loss section is not affiliated with the Christian section of this website. So what is with the verse and spiritual motivation?
In my time writing for Families.com, I have received several messages and emails from readers. I am truly thankful for every message and email I receive from those who sacrifice their time to read my articles. Many of those emails have come from women who happen to be Christian and have a desire to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle. These women also sought encouragement on a spiritual level.
My hope is that this article will not only encourage Christian women but all women. It is my passion to change my life in a healthy direction and I would love to spark the same in others. As a Christian myself, I find my strength and encouragement from the Bible. I would love to tell you that during my devotions I came across the previously mentioned verse. However, I did not come across it while reading the bible but Facebook. While reading many status updates, one contained this verse from a woman who just lost 24 pounds. This status update inspired and encouraged me as I love to read the success of others trying to lose weight. I was also encouraged by the verse which gave me pause.
As a Christian we are taught to do everything to the glory of God. Yet, I never think about glorifying God when I eat a 50 gram fat donut or drink a sugary empty calorie coffee drink. We ask “What would Jesus do?” but do we ask; what would Jesus eat? Do we consider the gift of a healthy body when we digest something unhealthy or become lured by a sugary treat? We learn that the road is narrow on our spiritual path and yet we shift to the right and the left on our road to health and well being. Are they not connected? We cannot pray that our donut will not add pounds to our hips but we can pray that our choices even during meal time honor God and show a respect for our bodies. Show your gratitude for a healthy body or whatever body you have by making proper choices. Don’t be lured by a baker with a donut tree, Eve! Find your strength and encouragement to avoid spiritual and diet pitfalls in the Word of God for my Christians sisters in Christ who endeavor to lose weight. For my friends who do not subscribe to this belief, adapt the idea of respecting your body and your health to your own choices.
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