In just about every church I’ve ever belonged to there is a common problem. Too much is left to too few people. But then it’s not just a problem with churches but a problem with any organization.
What happens is a person become overcommitted, overworked and can end up burning out. So what is the solution? Maybe it’s as simple as learning to say ‘no.’ The whole problem is people can end up with a false sense of responsibility and think ‘but if I don’t do it, who will?’ No-one is indispensable. If one person does not do the job God will raise up another person to do it. After all it is His Work. He’s not going to let it die.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting any of us should sit back and watch others do the work in the church. We all have our part to play in building, maintaining and growing the church.
What each of us needs to do, I believe is work out those areas where we have gifts and seek to use our gifts in those areas. That’s the reason God gave us each different gifts.
Sometimes too, it may be using those gifts for a time, and then letting someone else take over while we move on to a different ministry.
For many years I taught Sunday school and scripture classes. Apart from being a wife and mother I saw that as my prime ministry. Then after years and years, God called me out of that ministry and into one where I was leading bible studies and relating more with other women. At this stage in my life, I’m involved primarily in music ministry, writing, and back helping Mick with his scripture classes.
As Ecclesiastes says for everything there is a season. The main thing for each of us to make sure we are using the gifts and talents God gave us and to be sure we are not trying to do too much.
There are several pitfalls in trying to do too much. We will become burnt out and lose the joy of serving God. We will not do any of the jobs properly and the person who should be doing some of those jobs is not seeing the need and not being called by God because you’re still doing it. It’s something to think and pray about.
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